Biology Demo


*ETEA Biology MCQ’s come directly from your Text Books, as examiners usually Copy/Paste approx. 85-90% (68-72 MCQ’s) statements directly from Text book. So for Biology preparation TEXT BOOK is a Main Key.
*Try to read your text books carefully, Highlight Important points, make your own Revision Notes so that you are able to revise the chapters regularly & quickly.
*Read/memorize each and every word mentioned in your Text book from Table of Contents to Glossary including Diagrams, Tables, Glossary etc, like if anything is in your biology book then you can expect it in Test.
*Read Your Text Books carefully and then attempt the Practice Tests given below, So that you are able to evaluate yourself.

Basic Concepts:

Cell Membrane:



Endoplasmic Reticulam:

Golgi Apparatus:

Peroxisomes, Glyoxisomes and Lysosomes:




Cell Comparisons:

[WpProQuiz 11]